Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Etsy Treasury Contest

From Jared:

♥ What:

We're having a challenge to turn some of the best Treasury lists at Etsy into limited edition prints.

Here's an example: http://flickr.com/photos/generated/838351743/

Up to twenty lists will be selected over a two week period in July. Special software will take a Treasury list, combine it with the original full resolution sources and generate a high resolution arrangement suitable for digital printing. Printing will be done in-house using archival processes and the highest standards of craftsmanship. This is a one time only, limited run event. About 100 prints of each list will be made.

One entry per person please.

Two week competition begins July 17, 2007 and ends August 1, 2007.

♦ Where:

At Etsy.com of course!

♣ How:

There are two ways to enter:

1. Create a Treasury list.

Use the Treasury to create a composition of items with the possibility of being materialized in archival print! Include the word 'poster' as the first word in your title. You must be a registered member to create Treasury lists. For instructions on how to use the Treasury, see SweetestPea's guide and the EtsyWiki?.

There is no need to submit your list for consideration. We'll be looking through all lists daily. Don't worry about your list expiring, we’ll see it.

Special instructions for Treasury entry:

* visit the Treasury and try to grab an open spot when it becomes available (http://www.etsy.com/treasury.php)
* include the word 'poster' as the first word of your title (ie. 'poster hot stuff')
* use all spaces to select 16 items! (we can see your alternates and they WILL be printed)
* if you must feature an item from your own shop, feature no more than 1
* feature no duplicates from the same seller
* arrange your listings exactly how you like to see them printed

2. Use the new Poster Sketch tool to submit a list by convo.

A new tool has been created which allows you to create and submit a 'Treasury style' list (basically a 4x4 grid of 16 items). You may use the tool at any time. The tool is a simplified version of the Treasury's curator feature. There is no commenting, shared viewing, or public indexing. Think of the tool as a personal workspace.

Instructions for poster contest tool entry:

* visit the poster contest tool at any time (http://www.etsy.com/poster_sketch.php)
* follow the directions on that page
* be sure to SEND the convo that the contest tool generates!

Jared will be receiving and processing all convo poster sketch submissions.

Judging will be done by participating staff. Winning entries will be announced Wednesday, August 8.

♠ Why:

Etsy wants to give away more stuff at the festivals we attend. These posters will be given to attendees and as a way to showcase a few of the amazing items at Etsy, help promote Etsy as a marketplace to buy and sell all things handmade, and showcase our community's outstanding artistic eye!

☻ Who:

You! Any registered Etsy member can make a Treasury list or use the Poster Sketch tool. You can be a seller or buyer. You can register just for this challenge.

Everyone is going to benefit, from the winners of the contest, to the people's who's items have been featured, to all the sellers of Etsy as they benefit from increased promotion.

◘ Fine Print:

Permission from respective copyright holders will be required for all photos in each winning entry. Substitutions will be made where permission is not granted. Full attribution (item title, seller name and URL, and item price) will be printed inline with each photo. The curator of the list (name and URL) will be printed at the bottom.

Thank you!

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